Sunday, February 4, 2007


You know, I hear a lot about habitual sin. Sin that is besetting, sin that just doesn't seem to let go, that slowly eats you from the inside out like a parasite.

And that's not exactly what I want to talk about here.

I was just listening to an old podcast by Mark Driscoll (I hope someday to catch up to the new ones...), and he said something interesting - just a passing comment on how leadership should act: He said of the leadership of his church "If you want to see flaws, they're there. But there is a love of God, and there is an ongoing and habitual repentance of sin."

Which brings me to my point: Maybe as Christians, we think about sin, habitual or otherwise, that we forget to repent of the sins of our life. Through a side note on a sermon on Church leadership (1 Cor. 4:14-21), Driscoll reminded me that part of being a Christian is constantly recurring confession and repentance.

So here I am reminding whoever is reading this thing: It's good to confess and repent. Keep a short account with God. Once you start to do it, it gets easier to remember to do.

Blessings on whoever reads this. Thanks...

Enjoy the Superbowl.

And also remember Who is the source of all enjoyment.


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