Thursday, July 19, 2007


4 years.
13 roommates.

Forced out of one room, left one, invited into two others, lost one to marriage, and 3 to graduation.

1 month:
4 different housing discussions.
4 housing arrangements falling through.

friends who are no help - some because they can't be.

No place to live is not exciting - it's annoying, sad, and a little worrisome...  I guess I'm just not one of those people that one lives with - I don't know completely why...  But y'all didn't come here to read sappy nonsense...  I you have a place to live for about 9 months in Jackson, please let me know - I need it come the end of August.  Comment or something, I guess...


Megs said...

Lol. I've had 10 different roommates in the past 2 1/2 years. And it's going to be 11 next semester...

Anonymous said...

I know how you feel! I kinda have no place to live right now. It sucks.